post #9000000 GET!


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Incineration said:

It has been frowned upon for years.

No it's not? I can see it being frowned upon when one is asking or talking about someone's past Vtuber persona to said vtubers themselves, whether it's on their chat, Twitter or wherever else.

But not when it's a harmless comment like what the commenter above posted. He wasn't even being insulting or anything. I genuinely don't see how it warrants that many downvotes.

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    Fhtagn said:

    No it's not? I can see it being frowned upon when one is asking or talking about someone's past Vtuber persona to said vtubers themselves, whether it's on their chat, Twitter or wherever else.

    But not when it's a harmless comment like what the commenter above posted. He wasn't even being insulting or anything. I genuinely don't see how it warrants that many downvotes.

    The PL taboo has been dead for ages. The whole Selen/Dokibird debacle was the final nail in the coffin. The downvoters are those who can't get with the times.

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    You either get chewed by Yuuka for your worldly spending, or get hunted down by any girl in Kivotos because you don't want to be seen as immature.

    Sometimes it takes an adult to admit their hobbies out in the open, and this Sensei still didn't get the memo.

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    You just caught in a trick question.

    Alanis_the_Evoker said:

    And it's causing his death curse (and whoever/whatever placed it) no end of frustration. Still, it's willing to be patient... for the time being.

    Alanis, killed by a schoolgirl named Nonomi (the students, however, are not so patient)

    Is that person related to JobbytheHong?

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    Clumsy Nun: "Sorry about our outbreak, we get really emotional when it comes to our Nun Family."
    Little Nuns of the City: "It's fine, we would probably react the same. Also we are honorary members of the RRG."
    Glasses Nun: "My adorable head looks over the shoulder of a Little Nun of the City!"


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