


Real 5d chess from Elon; by gutting his own company he can insulate society from the worst of social media by simply doing nothing.
I salute his-wait a minute
I hail hi- no that's not good either
An efficient final solution-dammit!

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    cd_young said:
    It's almost exclusively Liberals and leftists who are whining. No conservative cared what he did since it.

    Funny you say that since the 'liberal media' conservatives whine about on the daily ran defense for Musk by either refusing to call it a Nazi salute, saying it was Nazi-like, or using any other wording to distance it from its history. Even the ADL who thinks Pepe is a Nazi dogwistle and fell for 4chan's OK hand symbol prank refused to call it a Nazi salute.

    Oh and conservatives did care about the gesture, the extreme ones cheered him on for it. If even the international gardening associations that are so hardcore they have to use Telegram are calling the alleged spade a spade, maybe its a spade.

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    All we have to do is look at the recent member of Musk's DOGE team that resigned after past Twitter posts came to light from 2024 and 2023. Wonderful gem comments such as "You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity," "Normalize Indian hate," "Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool," and "I just want a eugenic immigration policy, is that too much to ask." He is a person who has worked for Musk in SpaceX and Twitter. After his resignation, Vance, Trump, and Musk are pushing to rehire him.

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