


shinobivega said:

Ada will succ you dry. Not suck but "succ". As in female demon. Because even though God created sex, we must give praise and glory to the forces of Hell for its creation instead. Everybody look at how out of control and irreverent we are!

I'd see a psychiatrist

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    Memoria Description:

    Rarity: *4
    Memoria Type: Passive
    Ability: N/A
    Max Limit Break Ability: Chance to Guardian [V] & Defense UP [IV] & Damage Cut [III]
    Description (JP): 家にも、学校にも、居ていい場所なんてどこにもなかった私
    だから祈った、いなくなってしまえばいいって それでも、みんなは私を見つけて家族にしてくれた
    Description (ENG): I had no place to be at home, no place to be at school, no place to be anywhere.
    So I prayed that I would just disappear. But they still found me and made me their family.
    Because of them, I decided to protect them no matter what.

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    blindVigil said:

    The artist also gave her an unflattering face, which he even admitted to when he posted this after all the backlash. His explanation, or excuse if you're of that mindset, is that he was too focused on the background and didn't give enough thought to Eve. Bit of an odd thing coming from a character concept designer if you ask me, but the follow-up piece looks really nice so it's not as if he isn't capable.

    It may be a bit off for some, although then this is just a fan art but some people are too ingrained of their beliefs and failed to understand that creative people still mostly respect each other

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