post #9000000 GET!



RanSram said:

Judging by the cleanliness of her clothing and no blood on the testicles, Rumia is doing a piss-poor performance in scaring people. I bet she got them from someone with access to best-preserved corpses with special permission

Literally all spacezin cbt art has no blood on the balls
Spacezin doesn't draw blood much in his art.and i never saw a cbt where it had blood


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    jusu said:

    I don't think Daiyan has the upgraded 'throw slipper' skill. Or it might be 'throw wooden spoon'.

    That's her V1. It changes her Chancla skill to a lane-based attack that deals Stun and Vulnerable II debuffs for 10 turns.


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    Memoria Description:

    Rarity: *3
    Memoria Type: Passive
    Ability: Damage Cut [IV] & MP Gain UP [II]
    Max Limit Break Ability: Damage Cut [V] & MP Gain UP [III]
    Description (JP): 出会ったとき、絶望の中で俯いていた…それだけの3人
    見た目、年齢、性格、そして用意したチョコ、すべてがバラバラ それでもしっかりと込められた愛情を感じながら
    Description (ENG): When we met, we were downcast in despair... that's all there were of the three of us.
    Their looks, ages, personalities, and the chocolates they prepared were all different from each other And yet, feeling the love that was firmly put into them
    I realize how miraculous this encounter was.

    Note: Unique to Sawa Sudachi (Valentine Ver.)


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