


cringe_fetish_denier said:

as such, someone who speaks cebuano/bisaya might not know tagalog, and might not intend to study tagalog when they can already use english as the lingua franca instead.
(this might be a fringe case rather than the norm, i can't be sure since i don't know much about the rate of filipino bilingualism/trilingualism)

Speaking from experience, a good chunk of people from the rest of the archipelago have a good grasp of Tagalog/Filipino as a matter of national communication/language consolidation. Of course, this is mostly only applicable to those living in major urban centres where they have a better chance to deal with tourists and business partners from the capital region.

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    Cort321 said:

    Done, though I don't think it would hurt to have more images in the pool.

    Edit: Also try looking at the Pool page to see how to make one. Try and fail, etc.

    Nice, though I think the pool shouldn't be limited just to artworks by baek hyang. There are other artworks for the Elemental Warfare series like post #7494645 or post #8192780.

    EDIT: I've changed the pool so it isn't just baek hyang's artworks, which should make adding examples easier.


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    Anya_Jackal said:

    Yes, she could've had a magical, flaming horse, instead of that ridiculous out of place motorcycle, which feels way slower than I thought it would be.

    Between Chasca's flying gun, Xilonen's rollerblades, and whatever the hell else is on the table with the secret source technology, I don't think a flaming horse would fit Natlan

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    Hi, is there somewhere I can find the original artist? There are links to but since the website is down, I can’t find them or this art piece anywhere. Their username is sad_cat but I can’t find them anywhere, are they possibly on a different site? Any help would be enough. Thanks!

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