TWOS is a general rule, but we do have some exceptions. For otoko no ko characters, it’s probably safest to rely on the Pixiv tags to determine this if it looks too ambiguous to tell either way. Given that this artist seems to always draw Bridget as a male with breasts (and I realize this is a contentious tag), it is extremely likely that the R-18 versions show breasts and a penis (I can’t view them because they’re paid rewards).
Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Active Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Regenerate HP [XV] & Quaranteed Skill Quicken on Self for 1 turn (cooldown 6 turns) Description (JP): 「最初は、ただ知りたいだけだった 私の名づけのきっかけになったのが、どんな人かが知りたかった …でも、いまは違う “乙女”の想いを、祈りを、生きているみんなに伝えたい…!」 Description (ENG): "At first, I just wanted to know. I wanted to know what kind of person inspired my naming. But now I don't. I want to share the maiden's thoughts and prayers with everyone alive...!"
This is the face she probably made at tamamo ingame during her story huh Tamamo said something along the lines of "she will defeat Creek and make her trainer a goner"