


Valiran9 said:

I don’t get it, could you explain the joke?

There is an archetype of Yu-Gi-Oh cards called Malefic who were introduced to the game as a tie-in to the 5D’s movie. Their archetypal gimmick is that they can be special summoned from the hand by banishing their counterpart from their usual place, due to being evil versions of their counterpart. For example, Malefic Cyber End Dragon can be special summoned from the hand by banishing a normal Cyber End Dragon from the Extra Deck. Just about every one of the Malefics is a powerful beatstick, which combined with the ease of summoning (just about every other card in the game has stricter requirements), gives them a nice and fast aggro game. The problem? For the most part, that’s all they have. In fact, the only Malefics that have any beneficial effects are the boss monsters (Truth and Paradigm) and Stardust. And this is just the benefits. The downsides? You can only have one Malefic monster on the field, meaning you can’t swarm the field with them. You can only attack with a Malefic monster, meaning even if you get multiple non-Malefics onto the field somehow, you can’t capitalise on the aggro focus. Finally, and the one VR-Man mentioned, they instantly get destroyed if there’s no field spell, meaning MST annihilates Malefics before they even get to do anything. There are only two ways in-archetype to stop it. The first is to use Malefic Stardust as he has the ability to prevent the field spell’s destruction. However, Stardust has the second worst attack stat of the Malefics with no protection of his own, meaning he’s a sitting duck for your opponent. The second, and the only reason why the deck is even usable, is Malefic Territory. It instantly searches out Malefic World (the field spell of the Malefics that can also search them out), plays it, and applies protection to Malefic World. So far so good. Then it removes the 1Malefic restriction by turning it into 1 Malefic of a kind, so you could have Malefic Stardust and Malefic Cyber End but not two Malefic Stardust’s on the field. Finally, it negates the effects of Malefics during the battle phase, allowing all the 2400+ ATK beatsticks to charge the enemy at once. Seems great doesn’t it, so what’s the catch. Firstly, it’s effect negation means Truth can’t use its effect. Thus isn’t too bad considering he’s got a whopping 5k ATK. The second problem is far worse. Territory has no protection, which means we’re back at square one; they die instantly to spell removal. Because of these glaring flaws and over-reliance on crucial single lynchpins, the archetype has never really seen much use

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    This ain't synced right. Or maybe, the video "streaming" in this "animation" supposed to be delayed by a few hundred milliseconds cause to that old tech machine thing can’t keep up with the speed? Or same old broadcast delay thang? Lowkey genius tho 👏🔥


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