Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Attack UP [IV] & Defense Down [IV] Max Limit Break Ability: Attack UP [V] & Defense Down [IV] Description (JP): この谷で大きく変わってしまった私の運命 この谷で出会った“神”が変えてしまった私の運命 私はひたすらに、闇深い谷底を歩いていく その頭上で、かすかに光が差し込んでいることに気づくことなく Description (ENG): My fate was changed a lot in this gorge My fate was changed by the "God" I met in this gorge. I just keep on walking through the darkest valley floors Without noticing the faint light overhead.
So, what was the uploader supposed to do in this case? Do you want him to invent a time machine and time travel to before the artist deleted all of their Fate stuff?
Hello, I'm the one who flagged this post. No, I didn't expect the uploader to do that, and I figured waaay before I even flagged this that the artist has removed most of their works and that's very likely the reason why the uploader posted this last remaining, surviving version of this comic.
That being said, I still made the call to flag it for the reasons I stated above, as unfortunate as it is, and because I want to uphold this site's reputation of being a repository of high-quality anime-style art. I've heard Gelbooru is more lax about this kind of thing, so I figured that site would've been more suitable for hosting this kind of post (well chances are this post will get mirrored onto there anyway, so it doesn't really matter that much).
And secondly, I hope to anyone who stumbles upon this post (and this comment of mine) that it motivates them to quickly upload content like this (the original version that is, one that hasn't been poorly typeset, compressed to hell and back, and slapped with some third-party watermark) onto Danbooru, for archival purposes, and to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.
It takes less than a minute to check and see that the artist's Twitter media tab doesn't contain this comic, nor do any of their other socials.
And it would've only taken a minute to say, "This is the only version of this I could find, the artist nuked all their art from their socials". They uploaded it, it shouldn't be everyone else's responsibility to go out of their way to figure out why they uploaded a low quality hard-translated comic page.