Don't really agree with the bullying but at the same time some memes just don't land well with in certain circumstances. The Mika ones are funny since it's a bit true to her character of being a racist idiot who acts on her impulses, Nimi doesn't work as well since in her PL she legit had a bit of a panic attack and edited out an entire VOD because she spelled out a series of letters that could've been misconstrued as a slur for gay people unintentionally. I doubt the artist was wanting her to look like a racist idiot, but more something like a brat wanting her veggie tendies or something (which is a bit in character for her) but that only works when you don't know the context of the meme, yet the punchline of the meme only really works if you do know the context of it which is essentially an idiot is acting out on an airplane and calls someone a slur while looking ridiculous wearing a burger king crown and being a huge bother to people.
Mind you this doesn't excuse anybody harassing an artist for what is essentially making an unfunny meme with unfortunate implications though. They did had the courtesy of not putting it in the main art tag that could've caused a bit of a stir if Nimi retweeted what seemed to be a silly art with no other implications.