


Can’t read Japanese soooooo, I’m gonna read into the depicted story telling. Thermometer means they are probably sick with a fever, which is why they would be hot and mostly undressed. It would also explain why they are so out of it. Being sick also explains the water bottle in bed to sick to care (too real). Most obviously the medicine, sick = medicine. So cute, so well done.

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    Grahf said:

    You'd think this version of Ritsuka would've learned very long ago that of all things you DO NOT pretend to be injured or sick around Nightingale.

    He's either very stupid ... or the make-up sex is out of this world good. Or both. Probably both.

    I think somebody on another hxd post/upload said it best: homeboy just ain't care.


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    -Reimu: Great blessing (大吉, dai-kichi)
    -Clownpiece: Future blessing (末吉, sue-kichi)
    -Suika: Moderate blessing (中吉, chuu-kichi)
    -Marisa: Blessing (吉, kichi)
    -Shion: Poverty (貧, hin)
    -Hina: Misfortune (厄, yaku)
    -Shinmyoumaru: Small blessing (小吉, shō-kichi)
    -Yukari: ??!


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