


DropsOfSin said:

The art looked deceptively convincing. Seems like I have to check better next time.

Gotta agree. Even though it looks off close-up, this style does mask a lot of the usual AI bullshit that you see. Without the poster straight up admitting it'd be a very annoying case.

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    frogcupcaketable said:

    aren’t those bombs?

    Kind of - for all intents and purposes you'd get the same result mounting ERA to a person, but they're intended to be active "armor".

    somewhat long-winded explanation

    They are explosives, but they aren't used as 'bombs' per se—they do destroy things but they're only intended to destroy projectiles that would otherwise hit whatever they're protecting. When placed on the armored side of something, say a MBT(Tank) the armor pushes back against the blast of the explosive charge and forces all of the energy outwards to repel/destroy an incoming projectile.

    Without sufficient armor to deflect the blast however, it becomes detrimental rather than helpful—it might punch a hole in the side of your APC, and in theory it would be even worse for people since there's nothing at all in between the explosives and the vital fleshy bits that keep us alive.

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    Anya_Jackal said:

    Implying that flying gun, rollerblades, and Kachina's giant Bayblade weren't a problem either.

    Mualani's surf board is more believable. Citlali's flying bodypillow is very goofy, but I think it's fine.

    Kinich has a different, worse problem - while his movement mechanic is very similar to the things from Sumeru, his entire visual design isn't fitting the setting and should've been scrapped.

    Ororon is a-okay. And goodness knows what Iansan will have.

    Iansan got naruto running planned.
    And yes, this wasn't a joke. Her tribe's animal was something like thick-wooled yak, and the movement gimmick was 'teleportation'.

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    NNN is an evil, abominable practice. Not nutting for thirty days a year doesn’t make you a man. Duty, discipline, integrity, and moral rectitude are what make you a man. And unlike what the Father of Lies will tell you, making it all the way to the end is not going to compel the ladies to desire you more, either. No, not even your girlfriend or wife, as this man-hating witch right here all too vividly has proven.


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