


Myony said:

Here's a crazy tip for you so you don't have to see this and whine about it every time someone uploads a post like this:

  • 1: Click on "My Account" in the top right corner of the page
  • 2: Click on "Settings:
  • 3: Scroll down until you see a thing labeled "Blacklisted Tags".
  • 4: Add the following text to the box below: "alternate_skin_color dark_skin"
  • 5: Click the button that reads "Submit" underneath the aforementioned box.

You now will no longer see artists drawing what they think such and such character would look like if they were Black the MOST PRESSING SCOURGE ON SOCIETY: BLACKWASHING. You're welcome.

A small issue with that is that a number of gyaru-fication posts are going to wind up as collateral. Particularly the ones that deal with ganguro, and they existed years before the current trend of blackwashing became a thing. I'm not a big fan of that either, but I just wanted to bring that up since those weren't created to open a front in the culture war.

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    Since this event takes place in the actual city of Tallinn, it makes sense to use real world places in the city as reference for background art, especially around the railway. In this case, the building in the foreground is the actual Hotel Shnelli, as identified by the text on the sign on the left-side of the building.

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