post #9000000 GET!



To be fair, that's just one of the many flaws of the weapon system. There's a limit to what they can do in regards to interesting combat styles if everyone has to fall within one of five categories, and with catalysts being the most boring and vague one it was the perfect choice to be turned into the 'whatever the hell we want it to be' category.

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    DarkyLord said:

    Now that I uploaded these and had a closer look... wonder if it doesn't warrant AI-assisted tag, since there are no obvious tells, but eyes in this one look like AI-work to me...

    Artist's profile clearly states AI-generation + fixing by hand in Photoshop.

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    AlephFish said:

    I frequently see phrases like 違うの出る translated as 'something weird will come out', but it's such a weird phrase in English. Is there a better way to translate this? (This is something that always bothered me.)

    Since she's speaking as if she already knows what will come out, wouldn't 'the wrong one' or 'the other one' work?

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