Bro, I was masturbating to the porn videos that appeared in the ''sound'' section and I clicked on this video and I didn't realize that it said ''2boys'' and I almost ejaculated, I feel retarded :sob:
Dude, seriously. Nightingale isn't a doctor but a nurse, and nurses pretty much work in 3/8, with little time to rest or even personal lives, and you gotta go and wake her up like that? I'm finding that Gudao more and more dislikeable.
Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Active Ability: Regenerate HP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II] on Self for 3 turns (cooldown 7 turns) Max Limit Break Ability: Regenerate HP [IV] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III] on Self for 3 turns (cooldown 6 turns) Description (JP): 少し前の私だったら、一歩下がって他の誰かに任せてたかもしれない だけど、私はみんなと出会って変わることができたから 大切なみんなを守るためなら、きっといまより強くなれる 私は、ういのお姉ちゃんで、みかづき荘の家族の一員だから Description (ENG): If it had been me from not so long ao, I would have stepped back and let someone else handle it. But meeting everyone has enabled me to change. To protect everyone I care about, I'm sure we can be stronger than we are now. I am Ui's big sister and a member of Mikazuki Villa's family.