Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Active Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Remove Debuffs on Self (cooldown 9 turns) Description (JP): 「わたしはわたしの世界のため破滅の未来を退ける」 「十七夜、いけるわね…?」 「うむ…残る全ての力で迎え撃つ!」 それぞれの守るべきものを賭けて少女たちはぶつかり合う Description (ENG): "I will reject a future of ruin for the sake of my world." "Izumi, should we go for it...?" "Hmph... we will meet you with all our remaining strength!" The girls clash with each other for that which they must protect.
Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Magia Damage UP [III] & Chance to Evade [II] Max Limit Break Ability: Magia Damage UP [IV] & Chance to Evade [III] Description (JP): お父様に捨てられひとり残されたわたし お父様とお母様のところにいきたかったわたし それは、わたしという存在の意義を見出せなかったから… この縄に身をゆだねれば全て報われる…かもしれない Description (ENG): I was left alone after my father abandoned me. I wanted to visit my father and mother. Because I didn't see the meaning of my existence... If I surrender myself to this rope, everything may be rewarded...
Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Doppel Damage UP [V] & Damage Increase [II] Max Limit Break Ability: Doppel Damage UP [VI] & Damage Increase [III] Description (JP): 心の底で求めていたものは案外近くにあって いつでもわたしを許してくれていた この力はあなたを受け入れることができたその証 いまこのときから、わたしはあなたと共に歩み出す Description (ENG): What I was looking for deep down was closer than I thought. You have always forgiven me. This power is the proof that I was able to accept you. From this moment on, I will walk with you.