


VladDracul2 said:

That sure is one effective but potentially traumatizing way to make her control her strenght:

See this adorable little animal? Now you're gonna grab it and pet it with gentless and care... OTHERWISE YOU'RE GONNA KILL IT VIOLENTLY!!

So the "Of Mice & Men" method, huh....

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    i'm on vacations in another city so i can't use my computer (i'm using a cellphone), so please if possible put the translation:

    しとしと しとしと
    (drizzling, drizzling)

    優しく残酷なこの地の音が 今日もこの身に響いてく
    (The gentle and cruel sounds of this land still echo in my body today.)

    優しい 真っすぐな愛をありがとう
    (Thank you for your kind and honest love)

    時間を感じぬ体で 育ってゆくおまえに切なさ愛しさをじながらも
    (Even though I feel sadness and love for you as you grow up with a body that doesn't feel time.)

    (Always keep your word. The place where I speak is darkness)

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    user_509926 said:

    Who wouldn't want to sexually harass her? Cheeky little shopkeeper with a passive aggressive demeanor and no means of self defense the very moment it all blows up in her face when she pushes her customers buttons one way or the other.

    dude what the fuck is your problem, I swear people like this grow up to be rapists

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    Go--Go--Zeppeli said:

    the power of god and anime. who cares? she's a demon

    Even if it wasn't the POWER of god and anime.....still how cares? If you see a scene like this and the first thing you think about is her bangs....something is wrong.

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