Apparently there was another comic or pic before this comic which got deleted/censored on Twitter, hence this "apology". If someone can find it, please add it to the pool
Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Attack UP [I] & Blast Damage UP [I] Max Limit Break Ability: Attack UP [II] & Blast Damage UP [II] Description (JP): 「今日もいっぱいお野菜を持ってきたのよ たくさん食べて、たくさん遊ぼうね!」 大人しく抱っこされるウサギさんはちゃんと知っている おいしいご飯には愛情がぎゅっと詰まっていることを Description (ENG): I brought you tons of vegetables today. There's lots of food to eat and lots of games to play!" Mr. Bunny, who is quietly being held in her arms, knows exactly what she's talking about: Delicious foods are packed full of love.