


carumikoto said:

There was going to be more content about this, but lost all my canvases when I changed to my actual PC. My last laptop was getting on fire just by turning it on...

Aw, that's sad to hear; hopefully things are going better now, though!

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    Reimu says that her concern about the potion possibly being the cause of an incident was correct, and that what is happening to us now is indeed an incident. To say that the potion is unrelated to what's happening now contradicts that.
    Therefore, the じゃない here is probably not intended as a negation, but as a way to emphasize or assert an opinion.

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    Darkspire1 said:

    Christ, we can't do anything right in her eyes, can we?

    Aah, but the backrub is an even more succulent activity! For you see, Not only do you get to give her pleasure, you get to sit on her strong, supple back, her perfect ass between your thighs. Your hands are blessed as they grant relief to tired muscles, and if you are bold, you can kiss her neck as well.

    Truly, a backrub is God’s secret gift to humankind.

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    Glad she decided to become someone new rather than go back to being LemonLeaf. Watching LemonLeaf clips felt kind of off since that model was loli and Fauna was anything but that. I think it will be easier getting used to this other model.

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