Hey, Charjabugz here (user #1160899, banned til 27th March) you forgot to add the Kemonomimi Mode tag to the post. Did it for you, you can ban me now, i'm bored. (Yes i liked my own post)
It always confuses me when I see a post where we know that it depicts at least one of the characters as being mind-controlled by another (e.g. if it's based on a manga/anime scene where that happened), but there's absolutely no unambiguous indicator of said mind control to be seen in the image. No weird-looking eyes, no glowing magical brand, no bubble that shows the face of the mind-controlling character and is pointing to the mind-controlled one... nothing of the sort. How do you tag that?
I'm a little unsure of my rendering of the commentary, but am confident I got the general gist right; the "plenty of things here" just doesn't apply to this image specifically because it's talking about the collection that this piece was included in as a whole.
...That said, my sum of knowledge on Pokemon only comes up to about Gen 5 so I don't actually recognize the presumably Pokemon characters in any of the art, and can't confirm whether dreams and anthropomorphication, specifically, are actually present. Only that I found plenty of girls' clothes and bewilderment.
"夢" is a term for self-inserting, here it means that this pixiv log includes ship art of the artist's self-insert and another character, "擬人化" is personification, and "女装" refers to male characters crossdressing. "よくわからんの" I would just put as "and other stuff" in this context.
Is there a way to trace animation from a video (in Blender or something, I assume this is made in Blender), or was this actually done from scratch to match the original video? If it's the latter - very impressive.
I´m still team tanlines when it comes to mualani, otherwise why would a tribal tatoo need to be in a shape of a thong... kinky shamans...
That's an option indeed, but since it's not accurate to what we know as tribal tatoos then it might be the "fanservice kind" of tribal tatoos in that fantasy world