


Memoria Description:

Rarity: *3
Memoria Type: Passive
Ability: Blast Damage UP [V] & Magia Damage UP [VI]
Max Limit Break Ability: Blast Damage UP [VI] & Magia Damage UP [VII]
Description (JP): 変わらずに在り続けるものも、朽ち果てぬものもない
それが世界の摂理だと、わかっていたはずなのに・・・ それでも祈ってしまったのは、浅慮か、それとも愛ゆえか
Description (ENG): Nothing stays the same and nothing decays
I should have known that this is the providence of the world... But still, I prayed out of shallow thought or out of love...
One thing is certain: I can no longer be saved.

Note: Unique to Himuro Lavi

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    Darkspire1 said:

    Are they adding alternate poses to the skin, or are they selling two different poses with the same outfit?

    It's one skin purchase with 2 toggle-able poses, interesting concept but unfortunately an expensive one (~1680 gems).

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