Based on the parent post's artist and the current Pixiv description (My previous account was suspended. I will upload my previous work here.) this is the same artist as the parent post.
Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Blast Damage UP [V] & Magia Damage UP [VI] Max Limit Break Ability: Blast Damage UP [VI] & Magia Damage UP [VII] Description (JP): 変わらずに在り続けるものも、朽ち果てぬものもない それが世界の摂理だと、わかっていたはずなのに・・・ それでも祈ってしまったのは、浅慮か、それとも愛ゆえか ひとつだけ定かなことは、もはや私は救われぬこと Description (ENG): Nothing stays the same and nothing decays I should have known that this is the providence of the world... But still, I prayed out of shallow thought or out of love... One thing is certain: I can no longer be saved. Note: Unique to Himuro Lavi
Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Damage UP Versus Witches [VI] & HP Regen [III] Description (JP): たったひとりの為に創られた歌が、心を掴んで集わせる 込められたのは慈愛か我儘か、孵化した想いは革命となり 解放を夢見た少女たちは、誰も知らないレコードに刻まれる… (TVアニメ Final SEASON キービジュアル) Description (ENG): A song created for just one person grabs pieces of the heart and brings them together. Whether it is love or selfishness that is put into it, the feelings that are hatched become a revolution The girls who dreamed of liberation are engraved on a record that no one knows... (TV Anime Final Season Key Visual)