Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Active Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Remove Status Ailments on All allies & Regenerate HP [II] on All allies for 3 turns (cooldown 12 turns) Description (JP): 鎖を繋ぐように連なっていく争いと、想いが幾重にも混ざる中で 手を繋いで笑い合えるような、救われる未来は望めるのかな… 自分の言葉をそっとしまい込んでばかりだった私だけど、 周りが変えてくれた今なら、与えることだってできるのかもしれない Description (ENG): In the midst of the conflicts that continue like a chain, and the many layers of mixed thoughts and feelings Can we hope for a redeemable future where we can hold hands and laugh together... I have always kept my words tucked quietly away, But now that the people around me have changed me, I may be able to give them away.