Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Damage Increase [V] & Damage Cut [IV] Max Limit Break Ability: Damage Increase [VI] & Damage Cut [V] Description (JP): いつも明るくて元気いっぱいな最強の魔法少女 それは仲間を想う少女が選んだ耐える生き方 鶴のごとく大きく広げた虚勢の翼も限界を迎え さらなる巨大な翼に包まれると、黒い1枚の羽根になった Description (ENG): The strongest magical girl, always cheerful and full of energy It is a way of life that a girl who cares for her friends chooses to endure The wings of her pretense, spread wide like a crane, have reached their limits Wrapped in even more massive wings, she became a single black feather
The blue-haired moon rabbit in this danbooru post was tagged as "moon_rabbit_extra(touhou)" even though in the pixiv post she's tagged as "レイセン"(Reisen), so I fixed it.
The artist tagged her as モブ玉兎 (moon_rabbit_extra_(touhou)) but someone else added レイセン later so I am reverting the change. You can check which tags the artist added by clicking on the plus after the tags and in the list of tags all the locked tags were added by them
This is a super cute picture, and I love the smug :3 face on who I assume to be Matilda, but how would having children that share their genes work? They're both females. 😅
So, we're gonna pretend that magic and time-travel is COMPLETELY OK but same-sex couple having a kid is where we draw the line?
The blue-haired moon rabbit in this danbooru post was tagged as "moon_rabbit_extra(touhou)" even though in the pixiv post she's tagged as "レイセン"(Reisen), so I fixed it.
Sĥes not a vegetarian. Theres nothibg tgat hints at her being one.
At one point in that episode, the pilots are invited to a steak dinner. Rei declines, saying she doesn’t like meat. At the end of the episode, she does eat out with the others, but specifically asks for no pork roast in her ramen. Whether or not she is a true vegetarian, those facts are enough to argue that her casually eating a burger like that is out of character (unless it’s a veggie burger or something).