


lauqerm said:

Her story concludes in the card art of "Icejade Ran Aegirine", with her sitting alone surrounded by the lifeless bodies of her sisters and the corpse of her arch-enemy frozen for million century. Unreasonably grim if you ask me especially when we got to see Ecclesia and Albaz flying to the bright future.

I guess her fate is a cautionary tale that seeking to destroy your enemies completely only ends with you losing everything and being alone.

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    Yeah... I commented about this on another post but it really is crazy how this artist draws almost no new poses... I thought this was a new one but it is literally just this Flandre post again. Well I mean kudos I guess this is the first time he's reused this pose but still LOL

    ...Are there like any other artists that do this? Is this like a normal thing? Just spam reusing your own art and charging for it? You would think people would be like "Hey wtf this is kind of a scam" but like... nobody else notices this at all so... :sob:

    For the funnies, this is every single time he has reused this cowgirl pose. Just mirror and with the face and lighting changed. Shit man sometimes not even that, sometimes he can't even be arsed to change the character LOL, just the lighting. I could list more examples but literally just browsing this website you can catch this in literal seconds of browsing. GENUINELY is crazy how nobody ever catches onto this. Or maybe they do and they just don't care? It actually might be that because everytime he does draw a new pose, everyone goes apeshit and is like "Guys he drew a new pose!" This is really the standard we have set for ourselves huh? :sob:

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    Her story concludes in the card art of "Icejade Ran Aegirine", with her sitting alone surrounded by the lifeless bodies of her sisters and the corpse of her arch-enemy frozen for million century. Unreasonably grim if you ask me especially when we got to see Ecclesia and Albaz flying to the bright future.

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    Oh my god, these comments are actually validating me. Like nobody on pixiv or fanbox or anywhere else for that matter ever even notices that 90% of this artist's content is literally the same body types reused repeatedly. He actually rarely ever makes new art. He is clever as hell doing this since clearly nobody can even tell, all he does is just mirror the pose or change the lighting.

    I legit thought I was taking crazy pills but no , and he has been doing this for a while too! Look at basically any post with Remilia or Flandre. They, like 90% of the time, have almost the EXACT SAME body type, face and hat, the only thing he changes is he adds flan's braid and changes the wings and hair colors.

    This artist is really skeevy for doing this especially since he is charging money for this but I guess bills have to be paid... it is still ridiculous though. I'm glad I wasn't crazy tho because seeing literally no one else call this out was making me do a double take LOL

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