I’m going to assume Boom is a Doom knockoff in the Nikke world? Also, pregnancy test? What can of nonsense did they put in that test that would even allow Doom to be displayed on screen?! A LCD screen that shows fireworks and then notifies the government for every positive reading?
Wait, I thought he created explosions from just the palms of his hands.
It's probably the easiest way to control the blasts, but I can imagine that in the middle of coitus you might end up losing concentration and with his mentallity being the trigger for an explosion...
If you are going down anyway, may as well drop some last-second sick burns.
edit: looking up Kasen+bestiality here only yields a rejected Eromame comic here and backtracking it to pixiv the only result is that same comic and a single 4 koma of the yokai fox from WaHH. Now, if you swap out Kasen with Satori, THAT will give a few more results both here and there.....
This is probably referring to Kasen's ability, which is to Guide Animals.
No interest on my part but I figure I should mention that there are 5 free variantsstill available to be uploaded. As they are public, they're fair game.