This post was deleted when I downloaded the file here, which I downloaded from a Telegram embed so it might not even be the original quality. The commentary was also extracted from that Telegram embed.
Can't upload the 2nd part present in the flash file for being over 2 min 20s (same with a bunch of other great animations by kinema-kan). Song is 東方萃夢想 (hatsunetsu mix.) by hatsunetsumiko's.
This post was deleted when I downloaded the file here, which I downloaded from a Telegram embed so it might not even be the original quality. The commentary was also extracted from that Telegram embed. If this is an unfinished piece I'm not sure it ever was (a brief look shows we don't have it on Danbooru, at least).
It's incredibly hard to see,but she does actually have four beauty marks(which Danbooru lists as "moles",because that is what they are)on her face,hence the multiple moles tag.
Below both of her eyes on different levels,one below the left side of her lip,and one on the bridge of her nose.
The Twitter account has now been locked and their pixiv has also been emptied out; this file I had saved on my HDD but I never saved any commentary associated with the tweet, and it's not on
Can't make out the 2 (?) demons that aren't Beelzebub / Jack Frost / Daisoujou (which are obvious)
I think that’s Thor and Cerberus. Looking at the demons summoned in game, Thor’s mask and helmet horns can be somewhat seen here, while Cerberus’s fangs are pointing out.