Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Chance to Evade [II] & Regenerate HP [I] Max Limit Break Ability: Chance to Evade [III] & Regenerate HP [II] Description (JP): 他人のことをすベて知ろうなんて、できっこない なのに共に過ごす時間は絆を紡ぎ、少女たちを“仲間”にしていく だから明日も、おはようから始めよう 新しいあなたを見つけるために Description (ENG): It's impossible to know everything about another person. Even so, the time spent together weaves a bond that makes these girls "friends." So tomorrow, too, let's start with a good morning, so we can discover a new you.
Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Chance to Charm on Attack for 1 turn [II] & Attack UP [IV] Max Limit Break Ability: Chance to Charm on Attack for 1 turn [III] & Attack UP [V] Description (JP): この人なら自分を受け入れてくれる…そんな希望はもう持たない …そう心に決めていたはずだったのに 心の扉をこじあけた彼女たちの笑顔に、最後の光を見そうになる そんなもの、とっくに諦めたはずなのに Description (ENG): I had no more hope that others would accept me. ...At least, that was what I'd decided. I almost see the last light in the smiles of these girls as they pry open the door to my heart. I thought I had given up on that a long time ago.
Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Accele MP Gain UP [II] & MP Gain UP [I] & Defense UP [I] Max Limit Break Ability: Accele MP Gain UP [II] & MP Gain UP [II] & Defense UP [II] Description (JP): ただ横たわるだけの、ゆるくてやわらかい静かな時間 体は傷付かず、心も穏やかでいられる 物事の起伏とは無縁の世界でいられるのは、きっとひとつの至福 だけどそれは、眠りに落ちていても、死んでいても同じかもしれない Description (ENG): We simply lie there as time moves around us, gentle and slow and silent. The body is no longer hurt; the mind is at ease. To be in a world free of ups and downs is surely the highest bliss, but perhaps it's all the same whether you're asleep or dead. Note: Unique to Miura Asahi
With Anon's guitar standing next to my desk, AnoSoyo plushes on my desk, and the experience of multiple MyGO!!!!!/Ave Mujica live shows, this has been quite a ride.