


FubukiKai said:

Go adjust your blacklist instead of complaining in the comments of an image board. Feeling's mutual anyways given your responses here.

I’m glad we share that sentiment. I’ve been traumatized by lo many freaks, and you’re probably exhausted over people calling you out. I thank the gods we’ll never meet

Who cares about what I’m saying here, anyway? Maybe discussing ethics here is asinine and obnoxious, but I’m not breaking any rules.

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    blindVigil said:

    You need to learn the difference between fiction and reality, between actions and thoughts. Someone is not evil just because they make art you disagree with.

    I mean, yeah, I agree, there’s a difference between actions and thoughts. You’ve got me wrong, though. I never said he’s an evil person - that’s a judgment I can’t make - I’m just saying those thoughts are fucked up, not healthy or respectable.

    Your thoughts often reflect your character. You can’t get around that, but I hope you can prove me wrong.

    Like, I had a friend as a teenager who fantasized about raping anime women (and his manager at Market Basket). He never acted on it, and presumably still hasn’t, but Jesus Christ isn’t that really fucking weird? Be honest: is that a man you want to be around? Actions and thoughts are different, absolutely, but I can’t just ignore someone with that kind of psyche, dude.

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    Akitsukii said:

    Seriously, can anyone tell me how this artist is doing this?
    Every single hair strain appears to be drawn. But I refuse to believe that any human would have the patience to actually sit through drawing every single hair strain by hand.
    I'm just so confused.

    The background ones are doable by rescaling semicircles with different start points and sizes/endpoints.

    Only the ones where you can see the ends need to be individually drawn, and even then only at the ends.

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