Japanese name: ゾス丸 (Zosumaru)
The other names: ぞすま (Zosuma), ゾマス丸 (Zomasumaru) or zoス丸 (zosumaru)
Old names: ヘバナ (Hebana) or ウェンディ (Wendy)
Circle names: ぜんらとまっちょ (joint circle) or またね。 (old circle)
See also
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=63280
- Privatter account: http://privatter.net/u/o_chaone
- Twitter account: http://twitter.com/o_chaone
- Drawr account (unconfirmed): http://drawr.net/wendy00
(The artist has an actor fan account, too. It is not related to danbooru though.)