A type of mobile suit mecha from the Gundam military science fiction franchise. It is one of the most recognizable and iconic mobile suits of the franchise, often used by zeon, the enemies of the Gundam pilots. The most common version of the Zaku is the Zaku II.
The zaku is usually green with a single eye. It may have spikes on one shoulder and a shield on the other. It may also have hoses on the head, waist, and legs.
Originating from the Universal Century timeline, the Zaku has appeared in different Alternate Universes including Turn A Gundam's Correct Century as the Borjarnon and Gundam SEED Destiny's Cosmic Era as the ZAKU Warrior and ZAKU Phantom.
This tag refers to a type of visibly similar mecha from the gundam universe and therefore should NOT be used as a character tag.