yuubari kai ni (kancolle)
Yuubari's K2 form (post #3748023).
In her second remodels, released 14 January 2020, she gains the ability to equip five pieces of equipment but loses the ability to equip secondary guns. In addition, she has equipment restrictions on what kind can be carried on the last two slots (no main guns and torpedoes on fourth slot, fifth slot can only accommodate small radars and AA guns).
Her kai ni form turns her into an AA cruiser a la Isuzu, sharing an AA cut-in equipment setup as Kasumi Kai Ni.
In kai ni Toku, she is geared as a minisub mothership/transport cruiser that can carry minisubs (for opening torpedo attacks), landing craft, and amphibious tanks, but loses the ability to equip large radars and reduces her speed.
Her kai ni D form is geared as an anti-submarine cruiser but retains the restrictions of Kai Ni Toku.
In all forms, the most defining difference from her base form is that her rig is now modified to match the real-life Yuubari, while she switches her hair ribbon color to white (the most obvious change if she's not depicted with her battle rig).
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