yoroiden samurai troopers
Ronin Warriors, known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (鎧伝サムライトルーパー, "Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers"), is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Hajime Yatate. The anime was produced and animated by Sunrise, and aired across Japan on Nagoya Television from April 30, 1988 to March 4, 1989 and has a total of 39 episodes.
Ronin Warriors was produced by Graz Entertainment and distributed by Cinar, and it was recorded by the Ocean Group. Ronin Warriors first aired on American TV during the summer of 1995 and subsequently appeared on the Sci-Fi Channel, Fox, and later, Cartoon Network.
The series was released on DVD in 2002, including the original Japanese version with English subtitles on the reverse side of the disc.
- Sanada Ryou
- Shue Rei Fuan / Xiu Lei Huang
- Date Seiji
- Hashiba Touma
- Mouri Shin