witch (madoka magica)
Entities from the series Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, said to manifest due to negative emotions and actions in the world (specifically from magical girls). Upon targeting their victims they leave a mark called a Witch's Kiss (魔女の口づけ). To conceal themselves the witches create barriers.
Each witch appears to be accompanied by a familiar (使い魔).
Witches and Familiars:
- ????? (Walpurgisnacht / Walpurgis Night / Walpurgis no Yoru)
- ????? (Walpurgisnacht's Familiars)
- Gertrud (E2)
- Suleika (NA)
- Ulla (E3)
- Charlotte (E3)
- Pyotr (E3)
- H.N.Elly (Kirsten) (E4)
- Daniyyel+Jennifer (E4)
- Albertine (PSP)
- Anja (E5)
- Gisela (E7)
- Dora (E7)
- Elsa Maria (E7)
- Sebastian's (E7)
- Uhrmann (NA)
- Bartels (E8)
- Oktavia von Seckendorff (E9)
- Izabel (E10)
- Michaela (E10)
- Patricia (E10)
- Mathieu (E10)
- Roberta (E10)
- Gotz (E10)
- Kriemhild Gretchen (E10)
- Candeloro (PSP)
- Candeloro's Familiars (PSP)
- Ophelia (PSP)
- Homulilly (PSP)
- Shizuru [Cecil] (Oriko)
- Latria (Oriko)
- Rosasharn (Oriko)
- Stacy (Oriko)
- Virginia (Oriko)
- Itzli (PSP)
- Quitterie (PSP)
- Winchester (Magia Record)