touaoii (touhou)
A fake game parodying Touhou. Created as a meme by the /r/Touhou subreddit following Reddit's 2017 April fool's joke, /r/place.
/r/place was a communal pixel art site, where any user could add one pixel every 5 minutes. The Touhou subreddit created a mural with the words /r/TOUHOU HIJACK LOL, but in the last seconds of /r/place's runtime, two vandals placed a pixel to the H and second U of the "TOUHOU", turning the word into "TOUAOII" permanently.
This spawned many memes on the Touhou subreddit, which was quickly re-themed as the Touaoii subreddit, with ZUN-style art of a fake Touhou character named Rachel the Temple maid, a parody of Hakurei Reimu. Further memes were created, including fake screenshots, fan music, and serious fanart, all for a game that didn't exist.