team green ninjas (quackity smp)
TeamGreenNinjas GreenNinjas GreenGayNinjas Green_Ninjas Green_Gay_Ninjas
A team in Quackity SMP's first Purgatory event. It consisted of Etoiles, FitMC, ElQuackity, Roier, Ironmouse, oiBagi, ForeverPlayer, AgenteMaxo, Kameto, and Antoine Daniel.
Green Ninjas would be dissolved in week 2, with Bagi, ElQuackity, Fit, Forever and Kameto being sent to Soulfire, and Antoine, Etoiles, Ironmouse, Maxo and Roier being sent to Bolas.
This tag should only be used if multiple team members are present (ideally most of them) or the team is directly referenced in the post.