takamoto akisa
Artist. Likes Soukyuu Gurentai.
Japanese name: アキサ (Akisa)
The other name: 上下 右左 (たかもと あきさ, Takamoto Akisa)
Circle name: にゃいじんぐっ (NYAIZING!)
Site name: NYAIZING!
Old circle name: にゃー。とひだまり (Nyaa. to Hidamari)
Old site name: にゃー。と
See also
- Blog: http://pokapokaneko.blog92.fc2.com/
- Tumblr gallery: http://nyaizing.tumblr.com/
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=16233
- Privatter account: http://privatter.net/u/akisa_t
- Twitter account: http://twitter.com/akisa_t
- Twitpic account (server stopped): http://twitpic.com/photos/akisa_t
- Booth web store: http://aks.booth.pm/
- Comike Web Catalog: http://webcatalog.circle.ms/Perma/Circle/10229371
- The Doujinshi & Manga Lexicon: http://www.doujinshi.org/browse/author/17703/