tag group:dogs
[See tag groups.]
Table of Contents
- animal
- animalization
- dog on head
- k9 (dog)
- guide dog
- multiple dogs
- too many dogs (a lot of dogs)
- no humans
- pet walking
- puppy
Dog girls / Dog people / Dog attire / Dog body parts
Things associated with the word "dog" by etymology
- dog biscuit (the biscuit)
- dog paddle (the swimming style)
- doggystyle (the sex position)
Tagged Breeds of dogs
- Afghan hound
- Akita Inu / Akita
- Australian Kelpie
- Basset Hound
- Beagle
- Bernese mountain dog
- Border collie
- Borzoi
- Boston terrier
- Briard
- Bulldog
- Bull terrier
- Chihuahua
- Chinese crested dog
- Chow Chow
- Dachshund
- Dalmatian
- Dobermann
- English springer spaniel
- German shepherd
- Golden retriever
- Great Dane
- Greyhound
- Husky
- Irish setter
- Japanese spitz
- Kishu ken
- Maltese
- Mastiff
- Old English Sheepdog
- Papillon
- Pomeranian
- Poodle
- Pug
- Schnauzer
- Shar Pei
- Shiba inu
- St. Bernard
- Welsh corgi
- Yorkshire Terrier
Similar animals
Dog-like characters and named dogs
Realistic dogs
- Alexander (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Bee (Dragon Ball)
- Black Hayate (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Bolt (Bolt)
- Boney (Mother 3)
- Brown (Rule of Rose)
- Cherry (Lucky Star)
- Chobi (Pixiv)
- Cinnamon / Art Dog (Hatena)
- Den (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Dug (Up)
- Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
- Enekk (Spice and Wolf)
- Frusciante (Ichigo Mashimaro)
- Hamo (Vocaloid)
- Heen (Howl no Ugoku Shiro)
- Hewie (Demento)
- Inumi (Idolmaster)
- King (Mother 2)
- Leader (Honey and Clover)
- Menchi (Excel Saga)
- Missile (Ghost Trick)
- Missile (Ace Attorney)
- Potato (Air)
- Roku (Kakushigoto)
- Satake (Ichigo Mashimaro)
- Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo)
- Shiro (Crayon Shin-Chan)
- Snoopy (Peanuts)
- Tadakichi-san (Azumanga Daioh)
- Tobimaru (Stranger Mukou Hadan)
- Toto (The Wizard of Oz)
- Umetarou (ookami) [English ver.: "Ume"] (Ookami)
- Yonakuni (Maria Holic)
- Wanta (Elfen Lied)
- Zwei (RWBY)
Fantastical dogs
- Akamaru (Naruto)
- Amaterasu (Ookami)
- Bond (Spy x Family)
- Cerberus (Greek Mythology)
- Densuke (Dennou Coil)
- Friender (Robot Hunter Casshern)
- Iggy (Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken)
- Inuo (Sketchbook Full Colors)
- Jake the Dog (Adventure Time)
- K-9 (Doctor Who)
- Koromaru (Persona 3)
- Menchi (Excel Saga)
- Naga (The Legend of Korra)
- Noishe (Tales of Symphonia)
- Primate Murder (Tsukihime)
- Repede (Tales of Vesperia)
- Rush (Mega Man)
- Sadaharu (Gintama)
- Val (Otogi-Juushi Akazukin)
- Zafira (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha)
- Zero (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Dog Pokémon
- Absol
- Eevee
- Electrike / Manectric
- Entei
- Fidough / Dachsbun
- Furfrou
- Greavard / Houndstone
- Growlithe / Arcanine / Hisuian Growlithe / Hisuian Arcanine
- Houndour / Houndoom
- Lillipup / Herdier / Stoutland
- Maschiff / Mabosstiff
- Okidogi
- Poochyena / Mightyena
- Raikou
- Riolu
- Rockruff / Lycanroc
- Shaymin
- Smeargle
- Snubbull / Granbull
- Suicune
- Yamper / Boltund
- Zorua