south park
An American dark comedy cartoon series directed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Notable for its cutout animation style.
The series satirizes current cultural and political topics in an often politically-incorrect fashion through the lens of a handful of foul-mouthed fourth grade students and their odd and insane neighbors and family members living in the titular Colorado town.
- Bebe Stevens
- Bradley Biggle
- Butters Stotch
- Chef (south park)
- Clyde donovan
- Eric Cartman
- Karen Mccormick
- Kenny Mccormick
- Kyle Broflovski
- Stan Marsh
- Wendy Testaburger
The following tags implicate this tag: south_park:_bigger_longer_and_uncut, south_park:_joining_the_panderverse, south_park:_phone_destroyer, south_park:_post_covid, south_park:_the_fractured_but_whole, and south_park:_the_stick_of_truth (learn more).