shinn asuka
The protagonist of Gundam SEED Destiny - a young man who lost his family, victims of stray fire during one of Kira Yamato's interventions, and chose to join ZAFT and enact his personal vengeance against the pilot of the Freedom Gundam. He takes to the controls of the Impulse Gundam - fittingly for his impulsive and enraged nature - in order to destroy Kira, but later abandons the suit and continues to fight his nemesis as the pilot of the Destiny Gundam. Both Shinn and Kira reconciled with each other at the end of the series. He eventually becomes the boyfriend of Lunamaria Hawke.
In Gundam SEED Freedom, he now serves as Kira's right-hand man, and becomes the designated pilot of the Immortal Justice Gundam. After the suit's destruction, he is once again, the pilot of the now upgraded Destiny Gundam Spec II.
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