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shadow chaser (ragnarok online)
The Third Job of the Rogue/Stalker tree in Ragnarok Online. Usually have a dagger of some kind with an sheath but can also use bows.
Original Appearance
Males wear a fur collar over a shrug, a smiley face on a chain, a brown waist cape, fur-trimmed brown pants with a leopard print, black shoes.
Females wear a cross-laced brown coat and a fur trim, fingerless brown elbow gloves also with cross-lacing, a brown miniskirt, lace-trimmed grey thighhighs, and grey high heels.
Second Costume
Males wear a fur collar on a brown fur cape, a chain necklace, a black crop top, fingerless black gloves, a torn black waist cape, and brown shoes.
Females wear a open brown fur coat, a red sports bra, fur-trimmed red sleeves, fur-trimmed red miniskirt, a fishnet thighhighs, spiked anklets, and black high heels.