seraph crimrose
"Crimrose obtained a new power through a strong desire to save her friend. She has now grown more powerful in order to continue fighting alongside that friend."
A mecha musume from the game Cosmic Break. She is Crimrose's alternate/"promotion" form first activated during her battle agaisnt Ivis while she was berserk, although the battle was only shown in the manga "Sacrifice".
In-game she is obtainable by buying and using a "Seraph Promotion" or one of its many variants on a Crimrose that has reached level 8, 9 or 10. The higher her level is, the higher will be the Seraph's Capacity. It is impossible, for example, for a Crimrose that used "Seraph Promotion" at level 8 to reach the same Capacity of a Crimrose that used it at level 10.