rocket launcher
A man-portable weapon that fires a rocket-propelled projectile at a target. This tag is a catch-all term for any types of them, including multishot rocket launchers, man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs), anti-tank systems, and more. Because missiles they fire are considered as guided rockets.
For tagging purpose and despite the technical distinctions, recoilless rifle is aliased into rocket launcher due to identical external appearance of the specific models and the same purpose of both weapon classes.
See missile pod for vehicle mounted rocket and missile systems.
List of rocket launchers
- AT4
- Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle
- FGM-148 Javelin
- FIM-92 Stinger
- M1 Bazooka
- M20 Super Bazooka
- M202 FLASH
- M72 LAW
- Panzerfaust
- Panzerfaust 3
- Panzerschreck
- RPG-1
- RPG-2
- RPG-29
- RPG-7
- Strela-2
- Type 4 70mm AT rocket launcher
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: missile_launcher and recoilless_rifle (learn more).
This tag implicates weapon (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: at4, carl_gustaf_recoilless_rifle, fim-92_stinger, holding_rocket_launcher, m1_bazooka, multishot_rocket_launcher, panzerfaust_3, panzerschreck, rpg_(weapon), and strela-2 (learn more).