rock howard
Biological son of Geese Howard, adopted son of Terry Bogard, Rock Howard is the protagonist of Garou: Mark of the Wolves and Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, while also making a number of appearances in The King of Fighters. Following Geese's death after falling from his tower, Terry took a young Rock under his wing as the boy's guardian. Rock took moves from both of his fathers, learning moves from Terry and inheriting some of Geese's trademark techniques. He has business with Kain R. Heinlein, the new big boss of South Town's underworld and the man who not only claims to be Rock's uncle, but also that the late Marie Heinlein - Rock's mother and Kain's sister - is alive.
Fans often pair him with Type-Moon's Arima Miyako in M.U.G.E.N and other fan works since they are both adoptees of their respective families (Rock being the Bogards, Miyako being the Tohno).