Q.E.D. 証明終了 (Q.E.D. Shomei Shuuryou) is a detective manga by Motohiro Katou. The main character Sou Touma encounters a variety of mystery cases. Sou often works in tandem with his friend and potential love interest Kana, with him supplying the brain while she acts as brawn.
In 2009, the manga won the Kodansha Manga Award for the shōnen category, sold over a total of 3 millions copies and adapted as a live-action TV series.
- Touma Sou
- Mizuhara Kana
- Mizuhara Koutarou
- Sid Green
- Eva Suktha
- Touma Yuu
- Alan Brad
- Elly Francis
- Sasazuka
- Enari Himeko
- Nagaie Kouroku
- Morita Arisato
- Hishida Maruo
See also
External links
- Author's Homepage:
http://qedcmb.main.jp/index.htm - Wikipedia: Q.E.D. Shomei Shuuryou.