Artist. Formerly tagged as loungena or P!?
Japanese name: ぴらにゃー (Piranyaa)
The other name: ぴー (Pii)
Old name: P!?
Circle & site name: ろうんげな。 (Loungena.)
The other circle name: ゾロ目で募集すれば漏れ無く大三時祭!
See also
- Home page: http://loungena.sakura.ne.jp/
- Blog: http://b.dlsite.net/RG24511/
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2357
- Nijie account: http://nijie.info/members.php?id=946
- Tinami account: http://www.tinami.com/creator/profile/24571
- Spibal Illustrations Club account: http://spibal.webclap.com/illust_club.html?illust_mode=user&target=loungena
- Privatter account: http://privatter.net/u/daruittekore
- Twitter account: http://twitter.com/daruittekore
- Twipple photo images: http://p.twipple.jp/user/daruittekore
- Drawtwit account: http://drawtwit.com/daruittekore/
- Ask.fm account: http://ask.fm/daruittekore
- The Interviews account: http://theinterviews.jp/daruittekore
- Digital distribution site: DLSite.com (JP)
- Circle.ms: http://c10069641.circle.ms/oc/CircleProfile.aspx
- Old home page (dead): http://loungena.com/
- Old oekaki board (dead): http://www2.oekakibbs.com/bbs/loungena/oekakibbs.cgi