phone wallpaper
This tag has been nuked as per topic #18907. You can try searching ratio:9:16 instead to find images of a size suitable for a phone wallpaper.
An image with an appropriate resolution for use as a phone wallpaper. Ideal when illustrations are drawn from conception to be mobile wallpapers.
Common resolutions
- iPhone 3*/Original (480x320, 3:2): width:320 height:480
- iPhone 4* (960x640, 3:2): width:640 height:960
- Parallax: width:744 height:1216
- iPhone 5*/SE (1136x640, 71:40, ~16:9): width:640 height:1136
- Parallax: width:744 height:1392
- iPhone 6*/7*/8* (1334x750, 16:9): width:750 height:1334
- Parallax: width:852 height:1608 or width:890 height:1590?
- iPhone X (2436x1125, irregular): width:1125 height:2436
- Parallax: width:1579 height:2890 or width:1301 height:2820?
- iPhone 6*/7*/8* Plus (1920x1080, 16:9):
- Rotatable: width:2208 height:2208
- Parallax: width:1438 height:2592
- Parallax-Rotatable: width:2592 height:2592 or width:2662 height:2662?
- iPad (1024x768, 4:3):
- Rotatable: width:1024 height:1024
- Parallax: width:1262 height:1262
- iPad Retina (2048x1536, 4:3):
- Rotatable: width:2048 height:2048
- Parallax: width:2524 height:2524
- Apple Watch 38mm (340x272, 5:4): width:272 height:340
- Apple Watch 42mm (390x312, 5:4): width:312 height:390
Note: See the table above for resolution of most devices. Change the width and height in search if you want a vertical wallpaper. Some wallpaper pickers might ask for double the screen resolution's width so that the wallpaper can be panned, change the number accordingly.
Here are some special Android device resolutions:
- 1440x720, 18:9 : width:720 height:1440
- 2032x1080, 16.9:9 : width:1080 height:2032
- 2040x1080, 17:9 : width:1080 height:2040
- 2160x1080, 18:9 : width:1080 height:2160
- 2560x1312, 17.6:9 : width:1312 height:2560
- 2880x1440, 18:9 : width:1440 height:2880
- 2960x1440, 18.5:9 : width:1440 height:2960
Android Wear resolutions vary widely. Please manually check their resolution
See also
External links
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