oushitsu kyoushi heine
Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine, also known by its English name The Royal Tutor, is a comedy, historical-inspired manga series by Akai Higasa. It has an anime adaptation and stage play, as well as an original movie.
The protagonist Heine Wittgenstein, a man often mistaken for a small child, has been summoned to the royal palace of Granzreich by the king to act as the royal tutor to the four younger princes—Kai, Bruno, Leonhard, and Licht–turning them into capable candidates to the throne. However, he finds his task difficult because of the complicated personalities of his charges, who had managed to cause every tutor they had to quit. The story follows Heine’s journey to offer the princes the education they need most, help them with their issues, and unravel the complicated nature of both the royalty’s life and his own mysterious past.
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