noble phantasm (fate)
In the Fate series, a Noble Phantasm is a Servant's ultimate ability, representing an aspect of their history/mythology/fiction that makes them famous. It can be either a weapon or a supportive item. While Noble Phantasms have powerful offensive, defensive, or supportive capabilities, it comes with the downside of revealing a Servant's identity to their opponents, thus exposing their potential weaknesses.
This tag refers to when a character is releasing their Noble Phantasm in an image.
Introduced in Fate/stay night
- Argon Coin
- Avalon
- Bellerophon
- Blood Fort Andromeda
- Breaker Gorgon
- Caladbolg
- Caliburn
- Dainsleif
- Durandal
- Ea
- Enkidu
- Enuma Elish
- Excalibur
- Excalibur Morgan
- Gae Bolg
- Gate of Babylon
- God Hand
- Gram
- Harpe
- Invisible Air
- Kanshou & Bakuya
- Merodach
- Nameless Axe-Sword
- Nameless Dagger
- Nine Lives
- Rho Aias
- Rule Breaker
- Tsubame Gaeshi
- Unlimited Blade Works
- Vajra
- Zabaniya
Introduced in Fate/hollow ataraxia
Introduced in Fate/Zero
- Arondight
- Caliburn
- Gae Buidhe
- Gae Dearg
- Gordius Wheel
- Ionioi Hetairoi
- Prelati's Spellbook
- Via Expugnatia
- Vimana
Introduced in Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA
- Apneic Beauty
- Authoritarian Personalism
- Crown Undertaker
- Ig-Alima
- Mjolnir
- Morgunrodi Gullfaxi
- Ninth Prayer
- Pandora's Box
- Quintett Feuer
- Shadow Hand of Code
- Shield of the Gods
- Sul-sagana
Introduced in Fate/EXTRA
- Aestus Domus Aurea
- Aestus Estus
- Amalavijnana - Boundary of Emptiness
- Amita Amitabha
- Angra Mainyu/CCC
- Bathory Erzsebet
- Blessing of Wisdom
- Blut die Schwester
- Brynhildr Romantia: Until Death Tears Us Apart
- Bug Space
- Carolus Patricius
- Chakravartin
- Charles Patricius
- Cursed Cutting Crater
- Daitouren
- Demonic Sun-Shower
- Excalibur Galatine
- God Force
- Golden Hind
- Golden Wild Hunt
- Joyeuse Ordre
- Katoptron Katho Phlegon
- Kazikli Bey: The Fortress of Impalement
- Kenmyouren
- Kilenic Sarkany
- Laus Saint Claudius
- Marchen Meines Lebens
- No Face May King
- No Second Strike
- Nursery Rhyme
- The Queen's Glass Game
- Saraswati Meltout
- Sarkany Csont Landzsa
- Suiten Nikkou Amaterasu Yanoshisu Ishi
- Shoutouren
- Trichiliocosm
- Yew Bow
Introduced in Fate/Prototype
- Abu el-Hol Sphinx
- Bab-ilu
- Brynhildr Romantia: Until Death Tears Us Apart
- Dangerous Game
- Enki
- Excalibur
- Gae Bolg
- Ramesseum Tentyris
- Stella
- Sword of Paracelsus
Introduced in Fate/Apocrypha
- Agrius Metamorphosis
- Akhilleus Kosmos
- Andreias Amarantos
- Antares Snipe
- Armor of Fafnir
- Balmung
- Benkei Butsu
- Blasted Tree
- Brahmastra: O' Brahma, Cover the Earth
- Bridal Chest
- Casseur de Logistille
- Clarent
- Crying Warmonger
- Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe
- Dromeus Kometes
- Eighth Implement
- First Folio
- The Globe
- Golem Keter Malkuth
- Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- Hippogriff
- Kavacha and Kundala
- Kazikli Bey: The Lord of Execution
- La Black Luna
- La Pucelle
- Left Hand - Xanadu Matrix
- Legend of Dracula
- Luminosite Eternelle
- Maria the Ripper
- Miike Tenta Mitsuyo
- The Mist
- Phoebus Catastrophe
- Right Hand - Evil Eater
- Secret of Pedigree
- The Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper
- Sikera Usum
- Trap of Argalia
- Troias Tragoidia
- Twin Arm - Big Crunch
- Vasavi Shakti
Introduced in Koha-Ace
- Blade Taker
- Chest
- Child of the Sun
- Coat of Oaths
- Demon King of the Sixth Heaven
- Divine Spear, No Second Strike
- Flag of Sincerity
- Kouen Goshiki Kabuu
- Lightless, Three-Stage Thrust
- Like a Soaring Dragon
- Maxwell's Demon
- Ningen Mukotsu
- One Hundred Steps
- Ruyi Jingu Bang
- Settlement Sword
- Sunomata Castle
- Three Line Formation
- Winning is Everything
Introduced in Lord El-Melloi II Case Files
- Bibliotheca Basileus
- Blaze of Etna
- Camelot Image
- Hecatic Wheel
- Nega-Keraunos
- Per Djet
- Pharos Tis Alexandreias
- Rhongomyniad
- Ruyi Jingu Bang
Introduced in Fate/strange Fake
- Age of Babylon
- A Clockwork Abbadon
- Doomsday Come
- Enuma Elish
- Excalibur: Sword of Forever Distant Victory
- From Hell
- Goddess of War
- Godfelling Crossbow
- Grand Dictionnaire de Cuisine
- Grand Illusion
- Hubrin Anatropon Erinyes
- Jabal Hamrin Breaker
- Kagome Kagome
- King's Order
- Musketeers' Masquerade
- Natural Born Killers
- Pelt of the Divine Beast
- Reincarnation Pandora
- Rounds of Lionheart
Introduced in Fate/Grand Order
- Absolute Sword - Endless Flash
- Absolute Sword - Endless Three-Stage
- Abyssus Draconis
- Aestus Estus: The Terminal Flame
- Aethiopia Cetus
- Agni Gandiva
- Aigis
- Airavata, King Sized
- Airgetlam
- Akafiloga All-grid
- Alf Layla wa-Layla
- All Things Must Pass - To Flourish Is to Fall
- Alpha Castor, Beta Pollux
- Ama-no-Sakahoko
- Ambushed from Ten Sides - As If There Was No Shadow
- Ame-no-Kagaminofune
- Ame-no-Nubuko
- Ame-no-Sakahoko
- America's Sweetheart of Darkness
- An Gal Ta Ki Gal Se
- An Gal Ta Seven Colors
- Angelica Carthay
- Anpu Neb Ta Djeser
- Anti-Fling Rondo
- Apfel Schiessen
- Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile
- Ariadne Aporrito Adis
- Ark
- Armored Tenochtitlan
- Arondight Overload
- Around Caliburn
- Ars Almadel Salomonis
- Ars Nova
- Ars Paulina
- Artemis Agnos
- Ascalon
- Assault Medicine
- Astrapste Argo
- Asurasreshtha
- Athanaton Ten Thousand
- Atomicro Murian's Fot
- Attendre, Esperer
- Authentic Triumph
- Autumn Leaf Viewing
- Azamaru
- Azrael
- The Azure Sky is Already Dead, the Yellow Sky will Soon Rise
- Babalon Domus Aurea
- Balmung Kriemhild
- Bathory Brave Erzsebet
- Bathory Halloween Erzsebet
- Bayard
- Beagalltach
- Beautiful Journey
- Bel Maana
- Benkei - Steadfast Position
- Berza Burko
- Berza Damask
- Bishamonten's Eight Phases - Shiranui
- Bishamonten's Eight Phases Wheel Charge Formation
- Black Arts Decapitation Method - Melon Gourd
- Black Arts Decapitation Method - Moonflower
- Black Blade
- Black Cloud
- Black Dirty Barti Howling
- Black Dog Galatine
- Bloodbath Crown
- Blue Summer Palladion
- Bolverk Gram
- Bone Collector
- Bouclier d'Atlante
- Bouclier Present Drop
- Brahmashirastra
- Brahmasta: Rakshasa-Piercing Immortal
- Breast Zero Erzsebet
- Bridal Blade
- Bright Ehangwen
- Brynhildr Romantia: Even If Death Do Us Part
- Brynhild Sigurtein
- Bucephalus
- Cafeterras Bij Nacht
- Cakulha Huracan Kukulkan
- Caledfwlch Caladbolg
- Calvaria Galgalim
- Candy Star Photon Ray
- Caress of the Medusa
- Caribbean Free Bird
- Catastrophe Crime
- Channeling - Omen of the Great God Ibuki
- Chaos Labyrinthos
- Chariot My Love
- Chariot of Boudica
- Chionis Tauros
- Christine Christine
- Chronos Rose
- Chrysaor
- Chu Shi Biao
- Chyornyj Oprichniki
- Code: Original Sin
- Conchobar My Love
- Coordi■■■■s unknown - Evil spirit ■■■■ing
- Cosmogenesis Flare, If Disrupted, Leads to Chaos
- Cosmos Craft Crater
- Crazy Trip Drive Idol
- Crocea Mors
- Cross Calibur
- Cruadin Setanta
- Crystal Dress
- Crystal Palace
- Curruid Coinchenn
- Cursed Cupid Cleanser
- Custos Morum
- Dakota Camp
- Dan-no-Ura - Eight-Boat Leap
- Dark Rhongomyniad
- Das Rheingold
- Dazzling Castle of the Sun in the Demonic Realm
- De Sterrenacht
- Dead End - Airgetlam
- Demon King's Turning Tide, Manjusaka
- Des Oceans d'Allegresse
- Dharmapala Girl - Nine-headed Dragon Massacre
- Dimension of Steam
- Dingir
- Dinosaur Summer Goodbye
- Dio Santissimo Misericordia de Mi
- Dioscures Tyndaridae
- Dojo-ji Bell Form 108 - Fire Dragon Mow Down
- The Domination Beginning
- Doujigiri Yasutsuna
- Dragonflight Blade
- Dreamlands
- Duria Antiquior
- Durindana
- The Dynamics of an Asteroid
- Dyskolia Speira
- Dystychia Milo
- Earthlight Starbow
- Easter Failnaught
- Edin Shugurra Collapsar
- Edin Shugurra Quasar
- Elementary, My Dear
- Emotional Engine - Full Drive
- Emotional Engine - Vivid Full Sensation
- Empty House
- Empusa Chain Tempest
- Enfer Chateau d'If
- Eternal Lament
- Eternal Mirrors Epitomizing the Stars
- Etherspace, Yet Lawful
- Everlasting Summer Sunlight - Sunshade Parasol of Master's Favorite Goddess
- Excalibur Vivian
- Expiring at Evening, Chainsawing at Twilight
- Eye of Shiva - Detecting the Six Secret Teachings
- Eye of the Euryale
- Failnaught
- Fairy Sword Arondight
- Fairy Sword Galatine
- Fairy Tale Erzsebet
- Femme Fatale Baiser
- Fergus, My Good-Looking Brave
- Fergus, My Love
- Festival Flower Girl Present!
- Fetch Failnaught
- Finis Fungus
- Finis Venenum Nero
- Fintan Finegas
- First Sun Xibalba
- Five Elements Mountain - Buddha Palm
- Flawless Masterpiece - The Crane's Fate, A Teary Farewell
- Fleur de Lis
- Flucticulus Diana
- Flying Bright Spirit - Fire-Tipped Spear
- Forbidden Red Room
- Formless
- Fortress Angela
- Fragarach Aonbharr
- Frieren Scharfrichter
- Fylgja Valkyrie
- Gallitrap Funny Murian
- Gambanteinn Valhalla
- Ganesh Impact
- Ganesha Vighnesvara
- Ganryuu-jima
- Garden of Avalon
- Gate of Aegir
- Gate of Skye
- Gather Round Everyone, This is Our Water Margin!
- Giga Golden Spark
- Go-an
- God-Striking Whip
- Gold Gigant Garment
- Golden Bear
- Golden Drive
- Golden Drive - Good Night
- Golden Eater
- Golden Huge Bear
- Golden Spark
- Goou Shourai - Tenmoukaikai
- Government Men
- Graharaja Santa Cross
- Grand Pas de Deux
- Great Death Claw
- Great Demon Sublimation – Investiture of the Gods
- Great Flame of Mount Ooe
- Great Grudge of Rashoumon
- Great Ram, Nautilus
- Great Ram, Noah's Ark
- Great Three, Flat Snark
- Great Three, Wandersnatch
- The Greatest Hits - "Calling Agape"
- Grendel Buster
- Gugalanna Strike
- Guillotine Breaker
- Guillotine Ricanement
- Gun God - Yatagarasu
- Gungnir
- Gae Bolg Alternative
- Hachiman Prayer - Shooting Through a Great Demon
- Hakuro Castle - Thousand Forms Mili-Mili Night Fever
- Half-dead Blood Axe
- Hamesh Avanim
- Happy Merry Christmas
- Haradhanu Janaka
- Harpe Kronos
- Hazy Inverted Moon - Eleven Forms
- Heaven's Hole
- Heavenly Boat Maanna
- Het Gele Huis
- Himitsucalibur
- Himitsumyniad
- Hoemaru - Spider Slayer
- Hollow Heart Albion
- Holy Run, Nautilus
- Holy Spirit of Ibuki - Eight Channels Surging Waves
- Hope of Avalon
- Hopewill Camelot
- Hort Glut Rachegotter
- Huang Feihu's Five Checkpoint Resistance, Tianhua's Sword of Mo Ye
- Hume-Barrel Rayproof
- I Present You the Elixir of Immortality
- Iam Redit et Virgo
- Ibaiya Wenet Nebet Gerekh
- Ichiaku no Suna
- Imitation God Force
- Immortal Chaos Brigade
- Immortal-Killer
- Inexhaustible Bale
- Innocence Arondight
- Instant Sinking Moonbow
- Interfectum Dracones
- Ira Lupus
- Iz Tula Seven Drive
- Jaguar in the Black
- Jai Kaurava
- Jet, Three-Stage Thrust
- Jiulong Eli-chan Shooting Star!
- Judgment of the Ten Kings - Journey of the Wicker Basket
- Kama Rupastra
- Kama Sammohana
- Kazikli Bey: Bloodstained King Demon
- Kenboren
- Kikenjou - Icicle Cutting
- Kinich Ahau Impact
- Kladenets Zmei Tatar
- Kur Kigal Irkalla
- Kusanagi no Tsurugi
- La Grondement Du Haine
- La Grace Fille Noel
- La Mort Espoir
- Laevatein
- Lai Rhyme Goodfellow
- Lailai Kuli Jiangshis
- Lapithai Caeneus
- Laudatum Domus Illustris
- Le Pere Tanguy
- Le Reve Ensoleille
- Le Voyage dans la Lune
- Legendum Papa Thronus
- Let Us Walk Together Through Our Land
- Leviathan Melt Purge
- Lie Like Vortigern
- Longinus Count Zero
- Loptr Laegjarn
- Lord Camelot
- Lord Chaldeas
- Lord Hachitendo of Hakuro Castle's Hundred Demons
- Lost Longinus
- Lost Supernova
- Love Dyed Trichiliocosm
- Lumino Calibur
- Lupus Strikefang
- Mac an Luin
- Maelstrom - Evil Spirit Left Minister
- Magna Voluisse Magnum
- Mahisasuramardini
- Mahakala Shakti
- Mahapralaya
- Mallet of Good Fortune
- Manual of Accusation
- Mara Sunyata
- Marble Phantasm
- Marble Phantasm - Happy Verse
- Marmyadose
- Marital Vows of Rainbow Skirts and Feather Robes
- Maruti Vayuputra
- Marvelous Exploits
- Mathematical Malignant Annihilate
- Melammu Dingir
- Memory of Londinium
- Meslamtaea
- Metabole Piglets
- Meteor Snegurochka
- Midsummer Paradise - Halo Garden
- Mikotto
- Mindhack Mycenae
- Mold Camelot
- Moles Necessarie
- Monochrome Impulse
- Monte Cristo Mythologie
- Moralltach
- Mount Ooe - Enlightened Oni Slayer
- Mountainous Power and Matchless Valor
- Multitude of Colors - Providential Oni Poison
- My Red Mead
- Naegling
- Nahi Doongi
- Namah Samantavajranam Ham
- Nammu Abzu Gugalanna
- Nammu Duranki: O' Child, Abide the Laws of Creation
- Nammu Duranki: O' Mother, I Give You the Cry of Beginning
- Nammu Duranki: O' Resolute Child, Defy the Laws of Creation
- Nansou Satomi Hakkenden
- Necro Calibur
- Nefer Hor Imynetjer
- Neferu Suen Anubis
- Neptune Blessing
- Nightingale Pledge
- Nine Lives - Roma
- Nirmannarati - Heaven's Foam
- Noah's Ark
- Nobunaga THE Rock 'n' Roll
- O' Dragon, Conquer the Expanses of Wadatsumi
- Oar Wooden Sword
- Oblitus Rosae Theatrum
- Ochd Deug Odin
- Official and Confidential
- Ogre Trance
- Okuni Repertoire - Kabuki of the Izumo Wild God
- Ometeotl Tenochtitlan
- One Moment, One Meeting
- One Shot, My Love
- Onikiri Yasutsuna
- Only For Killing
- Opulence of Sunlight and Catnap
- Oputateshike Okimunpe
- Orchid Rounds X
- Orion Horkos
- Ortygia Amore Mio
- Outrage Amazon
- Ox-King Storm Call - The Inescapable Net of Heaven
- Om Alolik Svaha
- Pain Breaker
- Pale Blue Dot
- Pancupadanakkhandha Dukkha - Ephemeral Silhouette
- Pandemonium Cetus
- Papiyas Metamorphosis - Demon King of a Billionfold Heavens
- Paradis Chateau d'If
- Pashupata
- Peerless in Swordsmanship - Zen and the Sword As One
- Pelerinage du Temple
- Penelope
- Penetrate Bladud
- Per Aspera Ad Astra
- Phantasm Punishment
- Phantom Maiden
- Photon Ray
- Piedra Del Sol
- The Pilgrimage of the Five Hundred Arhat
- Planet Olga Marie
- Pohjola Fimbul
- Polaris Circulation
- Poseidon Maelstrom
- Prince Lanling in Battle
- Prisma Splash Rainbow!
- Prydwen
- Prydwen Tube Riding
- Pure Land of Mice
- Pygmalion Chisel Out
- Qliphoth Rhizome
- Queen Anne's Revenge
- Queen's Melty Heart
- Quetzalcoatl
- Ragnarok Lifthrasir
- Rapid-fire Ortygia
- Rebellion au Monde
- Red Form
- Rengoku
- Reqiuem for Death
- Resurrection Fraught Hades
- Reve de Durandal
- Rhongomyniad
- Rhongomyniad LR
- Roadless Camelot
- Robigus Ironside
- Roncevaux Olifant
- Round of Avalon
- Ryoutooren
- Sacrifice
- Saint War Order
- Sakra's Vajra
- Samadhi Through Transforming Flames
- Samhara Kali
- Samsara Kama
- Sanat Kumara
- Santa Maria - Drop Anchor
- Scream Eleusis
- Sea Serpent Storm Blue
- Secace
- Secace Morgan
- Selfless Liberator - Atma-Parityaga
- Sentinel Stellaris
- Serment de Durandal
- Settsu Armor Kumano
- Sfyri tou Talos
- Shimabara Hell
- Shinsengumi
- Shooting Star Ortygia
- Shooting with Futatsu-tama
- Sibuxiang
- Sincerity in Summer Flag
- Six Realms Five Rings - The Divine Figure of Kurikara
- Six Secret Teachings and Three Strategies - Noble Demon King's Great Feather Fan
- Skewered Plasma Blade
- Smile of the Stheno
- Sneferu Iteru Nile
- Snegleta Snegurochka
- Solar Storm
- Song of Grail
- Song of Selfless Loyalty
- Soter
- Sotoori Hime - Spider's Demeanour
- Space Dead Man's Hand
- Spear of Selection
- Spinster Habetrot
- Sprite Albion
- Staff of Selection
- Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj
- Sumerki Kremlin
- Summer Pool Dozmary
- Super Restoration - Kiheitai
- Suzume Gaeshi
- Svanhvit
- Switch On - Airgetlam
- Sword of Boudica
- Sword of the Beast
- System Keraunos
- Taisui Awaken
- The Tale of Genji - Aoi - Mononoke
- The Tale of Genji - Kiritsubo - Parting
- Tarasque
- Tauropolos Skia Thermokrasia
- Tengu's Feather Fan - Sudden Gale
- Testarossa Maiden
- Theatre Plaisir
- Theodosius Constantinos
- Thermopylae Enomotia
- Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji
- Those Who Make Me Lower My Head, Even Once, I Pray They All Die
- Three Enigmas
- Three Faces and Six Arms - Overarching Immortal Beast
- Thunderer
- Tick Tock Bomb
- Tidal Jewels that Unlock the Sea Boundary
- Touhachi Bishamonten
- A Tour of Waterfalls in the Provinces
- Tri-Star Amore Mio
- Trishula Shakti
- Triste Suave Alonso Quijano
- Troia Hippos
- Troia Velos
- Trojan Reinforce
- Tsago Degi Naleya
- Tsumukari Muramasa
- Tunguska Nine Drive
- Twilit Jewel of the Moon
- Twinmyniad
- Two-Pronged Formation
- Uisce Beatha
- Underthrow Freeze Sinker
- Unfinished Blue
- Unlimited Lost Works
- Unreturning Formation
- Unspeakable Formation
- Uomo Universale
- Uraeus Astrape
- Uru Na-nam Ninkigal
- Usumidori - Short Steps With The Heavenly Blade
- Vae Victis
- Valiente Asalto Dedicado a la Princesa
- Vendredi Treize
- Vijnaptimatrata: Mystic Eyes of Death Perception
- Vijnaptimatrata: Mystic Eyes of Distortion
- Vishnu Bhuja
- Viy Viy Viy
- Void Record - Moon Anchor
- Void Record - Moon Writer
- Volkermord Feuerdrache
- VR Shinkage-ryuu Hidden Art - Laser Blade Dual Wielding Style
- VR Shinkage-ryuu Hidden Art - Tomoe's Abyssal Solar Blade
- Vulcano Caligorante
- Vyakarana - Buddha of Glorious Sandalwood
- Wandering Tales of Shana-oh
- Wandjina Mamaragan Seven Stars
- Wandjinamet
- Watersave Galatine
- White Shaft Spear
- Wicker Man
- Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain
- Winds of Avalon
- Winning Arkaputra
- Wish Upon a Star
- World Discipline Keraunos
- World Faith Domination
- Xiuhcoatl
- Yamazakura
- Yucatan Regalo de Navidad
- Yuxu Embodiment - Enforcing the Investiture of the Gods
- Zazhiganiye Angra Mainyu
- Zelfportret Opgedragen Aan Mijn Meester
- Zeus Funder
- Zmei Gorynych
- Zveri - Krestnyy Khod
- Zweite Schiessen
Introduced in Fate/Requiem
- Flying Dutchman
- La Grosse Tour
- Longinus
- Sword of the Strange Hangings
- Terme di Caracalla
Introduced in Fate:Lost Einherjar
- Fjord Drakkar
- Vidurr Berserk
Introduced in Fate/Samurai Remnant
- Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi
- Beneficent Preserver - Kishimojin
- Blue Ring Blade
- Delilah
- Divine Water
- Fireship Afloat
- Flamme Pays Etranger
- Hiken - Hiyoku Senyou
- Incarnation - Omen of the Great God Ibuki
- Invoke the Demigod - Yasomagatsuhi
- Lone Charge at Changban
- Nocturnal Demon - Gu Huo Niao
- Octo-Pulsing Carnage Strike - Divine Laceration
- Ox-King's Huge Divine Messenger
- Press the Attack - Kurikara Pass
- Puppet Playground
- Red Cliff Calamity - Cradle of Fire
- Samson Agonistes
- Secret Technique - Yozakura
- Shadow - Yagyuu Sword Chronicles
- Special Technique: Eight-Current Raging Storm
- Tristesse de la Vierge
- Tsubame Gaeshi Hiyoku no Dan