neko musume michikusa nikki
A manga series written and drawn by Ike, beginning publication in June 2008 in the Monthly Comic Ryū magazine. It revolves around Kurona, a bakeneko who can change between and a cat and a cat girl, and her day-to-day life with other traditional youkai in the fictional Japanese town of Shibugaki.
- Kurona
- Kappa
- Tengu
- Koma
- Shishimaru
- Jorogumo
- Tamae
- Kinu
- Ibuki
- Mashiro
- Kokkuri
- Akaname
- Suzume Chi
- Kutchii
- Priest
- Hinata Daiki
- Chinatsu
- Hoshino Hajime
- Toda Mitsuru