narukami yu
The protagonist of Persona 4. Nephew of Doujima Ryoutarou and cousin/big brother figure of Doujima Nanako.
Originally nameless in the video game, he is given the name "Seta Souji" in the manga adaptation and "Narukami Yuu" in the anime adaptation.
He is nicknamed Banchou for a number of reasons:
- His starting Persona, Izanagi, wears a banchou-style outfit (gakuran and tall geta)
- In the Miss? Contest, he dresses as a sukeban
- Compared to the protagonist of Persona 3, Yuuki Makoto, he has a number of much more manly conversation/action choices
This nickname gained official acknowledgement in the PV for Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena, in which he is called the "steel siscon banchou" (鋼のシスコン番長).
Voiced by: Namikawa Daisuke (Japanese), Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
The following tags are aliased to this tag: narukami_yuu, protagonist_(persona4), protagonist_(persona_4), and seta_souji (learn more).
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