Ultimate-level Evil Dragon-type Digimon, having debuted in Digimon Tamers in 2001. Megidramon is one of the Four Great Dragons, along with Holydramon, Goddramon and Qinglongmon. Of the four, Megidramon is the sole evil member, said to possess the greatest destructive might of the collective as the Digital Hazard incarnate.
Megidramon is a legless serpent-like dragon with massive orange batlike wings, bladed arms, a long tail and a huge Digital Hazard mark on its chestplate, now bright red. Its huge maw is lined with sharp teeth, its eyes are red, and its nasal cavity is implied to be capable of opening up like a secondary mouth.
Common evolutionary throughline:
Jyarimon -> Gigimon -> Guilmon -> Growmon -> Megalo Growmon -> Megidramon / Dukemon
- Megidramon is rumored to be one and the same as Chaos Dukemon.
- Megidramon may evolve further upon acquiring an X-Antibody.